Ryan Sutton.

Ryan Sutton

UX Designer in San Francisco, CA.

Designing user-centric solutions to problems through research-driven strategies and elegant, intuitive interfaces.  

I am a UX designer, photographer, and world-traveler. Based in the great San Francisco, CA.

My Design Process

This is the rough framework that I go through when designing digital experiences, touching on each phase of a user-centric design process.

1. Analyze

Understand the data, market trends, user behaviors, and competitive landscape.
       - Create surveys, conduct market research, and map out the competition.

2. Empathize

Put yourself in the user's shoes, ask all the whys, dig deeper and understand the context.
       - User interviews, user flows, persona creation, and user need requirements.

3. Visualize

Envision what the solution could look like, test ideas, iterate, and repeat.
       - MVP definition, sketching, wireframes, screen flows, and interactive prototypes.

4. Realize

Continuous testing to refine the design, and deliver for development.
       - Usability testing, high fidelity prototypes, visual design, and animation.